IBA’27 Festivals
IBA’27 Festivals
The IBA’27 Festivals in 2023 and 2025 will provide insights into the methods, projects and ideas of the IBA even before the 2027 exhibition year. As interactive and experimental formats and festivities, they allow to experience urban development as a collective process in the Stuttgart Region.
23.06.-23.07.23: IBA’27 Festival #1
With the IBA’27 Festival #1, the International Building Exhibition 2027 StadtRegion Stuttgart celebrated its first interim presentation together with the people of the Stuttgart region. Over the course of four weeks, the IBA had put together a varied program with many partners. More than 120 events took place during the festival month: Exhibitions, discussions, parties, performances, workshops, guided tours. Projects and plans were presented, more sustainable ways of (re)building were discussed, people picnicked under apple trees and danced on parking garage decks.