Dr. Marcos L. Rosa
Marcos L. Rosa, Architect and Urban Planner (University of São Paulo, 2005), Doctor (Technische Universität München, 2015) in Regional Planning and Urban Design. He is currently a postdoctoral fellow (Collective Housing and Urban Form) in the Research Group Critical Thinking and Contemporary City (PC3) at FAU USP.
He was the Curator of the 11th São Paulo Architecture Biennial and coordinated research platforms that led to the publication of Microplanning: urban creative practices (Ed. de Cultura, São Paulo, 2011), Handmade Urbanism (Jovis, Berlin, 2013) and Codesigning the City: architecture and informal knowledge (Meli-Melo, São Paulo 2016; 2017). He taught and collaborated in research at ETH Zurich, University Institute of Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), TU-Munich, LSE-London, IED-São Paulo among others and is engaged in academic activities (lectures, critics, jurys) worldwide.
His work includes research, teaching and design, with a focus on collaborative processes and the relationship between planned space, the use and experience of it.