
More projects in IBA’27-network

Quartier C1 Wagenhallen. Visualisierung. Bild: asp Architekten GmbH / koeber Landschaftsarchitekten

Quartier C1 Wagenhallen – Wagenhallen C1 Neighbourhood

Credits: IBA’27 / Niels Schubert

Leonhardsvorstadt / Züblinareal

Visualisation of the new research building »IntCDC Building« at the University of Stuttgart for the architecture/construction excellence cluster IntCDC (Credits: IntCDC Planungs GmbH)
Visualisation of the new research building »IntCDC Building« at the University of Stuttgart for the architecture/construction excellence cluster IntCDC (Credits: IntCDC Planungs GmbH)

IntCDC Building

Brenzkirche: Vorher – nachher
Brenzkirche. (Credits: IBA’27 / Tobias Schiller)

Brenzkirche church – Back to the Future

Visualisation of the IBA'27 project »Neubau Weimarstraße« in Stuttgart (Credits: Florian Nagler Architekten)

Construction of a new residential building with multifunctional spaces on Weimarstraße

Credits: joyjoy studio, Architektur: PPAG architects

Zukunft Münster 2050 – Future Münster 2050

Leben am Fluss. Siegerentwurf
Leben am Fluss: Siegerentwurf von NL Architects, Amsterdam. Bild: NL Architects

Wohnen am Fluss in Untertürkheim – Untertürkheim Riverside Living

Visualisation of the transformation of the Klett site in Stuttgart (Credits: Bruno Fioretti Marquez)

Transformation des Klett Areals in Stuttgart – Transformation of the Klett site

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